Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 24, 2012

Chinese Landscape Paintings

I have always admired Chinese landscape paintings.  It is incredible how much depth and detail they show with simple mark making.  Several lines, dots, and shading come together to coney a beautiful depiction of a Chinese landscape.

Martha Grover

I am drawn to Martha Grover's porcelain for it's movement and color.  It is elegant yet simplistic in a way.  These dinner sets flow very nicely together in the stacked position.  Martha's pots are invitiing to the user and she a great sense of color with her glaze application.  

Chris Staley

Chris Staley's pots are about "fragility and strength."  He primarily makes vessels, some have tight forms but loose textures that are applied.  Some of his other pieces are more loose in form but have smooth surfaces.  I really admire his work for its craftsmanship and explorations in form.  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Arthur Gould
This slip cast tea-pot was really well done.  It has a lot of freedom and movement to it.  The artist made a wise choice by just glazing it in a black satin glaze so it does not take away from the form.  

Nathan Brunson
Although this large chalice looks relatively simple in form, the glaze is what stood out to be.  The amber celadon turned out really nice with the white drips over top of it.  There is an awesome red underglaze at the bottom of the piece too.  

Curtis Stewardson

I really adore ceramic baskets.  I have never seen one shaped like this before, with a very wide base and super thick handle this piece is quite different.  The interior blue glaze is really gorgeous as well as the glazes on top of the handle over the satin black.  

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 3, 2012

Michael Connelly
Earlier this year I had Michael as a teacher.  I really enjoy his work because of his tight forms with relatively loose glaze application.  

Tom Coleman
Tom Colemans work has always been an inspiration to me.  All of the lines and mark making he puts on his pots lead your eye all around the piece.   He then goes in and highlights his mark making with very bright vibrant colors.  

Glacier National Park
This picture of Glacier National Park is absolutely beautiful.  I love the landscape with the river flowing down the rocks, leading your eye up through the trees, to the mountain top that is still blanketed with a bit of snow and the sun setting in the background.